Unlike (adj, prep, noun). Different, dissimilar, not equal, not alike. Facebook popularity has redefined the term “unlike” to mean an option to undo your click on a “like” button, meaning, “I don’t like this.” But, at its root, the word “unlike” has less to do with your tastes and preferences and much more to do… Read More
“Seeing stars” is a mythic symptom or lovesickness (or migraine). But have you ever experienced a very non-magical twinkling in your eyes, in the form of floaters or flashes? Visual floaters often look like black pepper spots or squiggly lines, while light flashes (technically known as photopsias) look something like fireworks or starbursts. Be assured, this… Read More
How to describe Dr. Mayfield in one word? Popular! His patients are perhaps more like fans, ever-enthusiastic to promote him to family and friends. He has a solid reputation for being a kind and gentle surgeon, ministering to the person just as much as the person’s eyes. It’s no surprise, then, that Dr. Mayfield is in high… Read More