Happy Independence Day!
Posted by: West Georgia Eye Care Center in Uncategorized on July 1, 2022
Independence Day is exactly as it is named, a celebration of our independence! WGECC wishes you a happy and safe holiday and to that end we have a few recommendations of our own to promote eye-related independence!

No one wants to be dependent on help from others because they are convalescing with a serious eye injury. July 4th is the biggest day for fireworks in the United States. Along with a surge of celebration comes a rise in ER visits for fireworks-related eye injuries. Even sparklers can cause irreparable harm to the eye. Our advice is to leave the fireworks to the experts and enjoy one of our community’s professional shows.
Another way to stay free from eye injury is to protect your eyes from potentially harmful activities. The summer is a favorite time for outdoor tasks, including grass-cutting. People using lawnmowers, and weed-eaters in particular, should wear safety glasses with polycarbonate lenses. Polycarbonate lenses not only offer better impact resistance than any other lenses, they also effectively block UV light.
Everyone appreciates freedom from daily vision inconveniences like glare. For water sports like fishing, water-skiing, and windsurfing, choose polarized sunglasses with UV-block for sharper vision and eye protection. Polarized lenses cut glare, and they’re available in a transitions design that automatically darkens sunlight.
Independence is for all! But some people need to guard their vision even more carefully than most. People with poor or no vision in one eye are at a greater risk for total loss of vision and should be extra conscientious to protect the other “good” eye. Activities like using power tools, working around caustic chemicals, or participating in recreational activities, require eye protection.
If you are seeking independence from your need for prescription glasses and contacts, then iLASIK might be an option for freedom. To learn if you are a likely LASIK candidate, we invite you to schedule a free refractive surgery teleconsultation! Call (706) 507 4528 to connect with a friendly LASIK coordinator.
West Georgia Eye Care Center wishes you a safe and Happy 4th of July!