Globally, almost 300 million people are visually impaired, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Statistically, 9 out of every 10 visually impaired people worldwide are from low-income settings, and 8 of 10 suffer from preventable, curable conditions. Unfortunately, the vision-saving surgical procedures we take for granted in the United States are only a dream for… Read More
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s great hunger meet.” –Frederich Buechner Sometimes, we’re very happy for our patients when something is missing. Missing cataracts because of the great vision that follows advanced cataract surgery with premium IOLs is a good thing! Missing reading glasses after getting mono-vision contact… Read More
West Georgia Eye Care Center was the first LASIK Center in the region to offer the most advances technology for LASIK, called iLASIK. Many patients have asked if the “i” in iLASIK indicates a connection to Apple, Inc. and their line of iPhones. In this case, the “i” is for intelligent technology that is innovative, individualized, and gives… Read More