Missing blogs and mission fields

Posted by: West Georgia Eye Care Center in Frontpage Article on July 29, 2016

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s great hunger meet.”  –Frederich Buechner


Sometimes, we’re very happy for our patients when something is missing. Missing cataracts because of the great vision that follows advanced cataract surgery with premium IOLs is a good thing! Missing reading glasses after getting mono-vision contact lenses, or even missing contacts altogether because of LASIK surgery–those are all good things to miss!


We missed a blog post last week, and that’s not so good. But we had a good reason! Our blogger was on a mission trip! That particular jaunt didn’t require any global travel, just an 8-hour road trip to an underserved part of Appalachia. Mission fields can be found everywhere. Locally, West Georgia Eye Care Center supports the work of Mercy Med, a medical clinic with a heart for Columbus and the surrounding region. Here’s their mission statement:

“We exist to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and to demonstrate His love by providing affordable, quality primary healthcare for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the underserved in Columbus, Georgia and the surrounding areas.”

In the coming weeks, our blog will feature stories from various mission fields that have been served by the doctors and staff of WGECC. From home missions to South America to South Africa, we have a heart for Columbus and for all God’s people.