You have been handed a Summary of West Georgia Eye Care Center’s Privacy Practices if you have been our patient during the past several years. We have provided thousands of these informational pamphlets to our patients and we continue to update them as pertinent information changes. Protecting your privacy is more to us than just… Read More
Are you a historian (or etymologist) at heart? This week’s blog is for you. If we travel back to ancient Greece, we can trace the origin of the “O” monikers used for today’s eye professionals and paraprofessionals. The present-day “O”s of eye care (e.g. ophthalmologist, optometrist, optician, ocularist, among others) derive from the Greek words opsis, meaning… Read More
There’s a doctor just for me, Who can help my eyes to see, I know his title begins with “O,” Which “O” to see…I do not know! My glasses broke, please fix my frame. See the optician, that’s her name! I have a coupon for a new pair, West Georgia Optical, I’m glad you’re… Read More
Dr. Brooks kicks off a brand new series of blogs for patient education
Not all optometrists and ophthalmologists have equal levels of competency, so, it matters who you see. When you’re selecting your eye MD, how do you look for evidence of excellence? In the United States, board certification is a trusted gauge of a doctor’s mastery of his field. Ophthalmology was the first medical specialty to provide… Read More