Coloring contest yields a rainbow of art!
Posted by: West Georgia Eye Care Center in Frontpage Article on December 11, 2015
The first annual West Georgia Eye Care Center “Counting my Blessings Coloring Contest” was a smashing success! Did you see the fantastic artwork displayed throughout our offices? We were amazed by all the creative entries we received. The theme “I am thankful for my eyes” was emphasized by the beautiful use of color and design that we are grateful to be able to appreciate with our vision. We also appreciate every child represented by every coloring page!

Our esteemed and enthusiastic judge was Jessamy South, Columbus Museum’s own Youth and Family Programs Coordinator. We know she had a tricky time narrowing down the winners to just one from each age group! After much deliberation and careful study of each entry, she chose the following winners:
Of the three, one name was selected at random by our administrator, Mark Holloway. And the Grand Prize ($300 to Ride on Bikes!) winner is…

Corrine Ramsey! Congratulations and best wishes as you cycle into the new year!

Congratulations also to Hannah Grace and Jaylen, whose excellent artwork won them each a Toys R Us gift card.